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I don’t know about you but my weary heart is calling out for the balm that is Spring right about now. It doesn’t make all the heartache of our world go away, but perhaps it can offer some reminder that there is beauty…as well as all the rest.

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How to work with what you wish would just go away
Self compassion, Externalizing Guest User Self compassion, Externalizing Guest User

How to work with what you wish would just go away

Something I’ve noticed is that when we set goals for change, it can sometimes come with the desire to remove part of who we are to live the lives we really want. And yes I get the appeal, to want to surgically remove the internal blemishes. The downside is that…well I just don’t think it works in the long run! If anything I think the harder we fight the parts of ourselves we don’t like, the harder they fight back. So what to do?

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Self-Care:            Why it’s complicated
Guest User Guest User

Self-Care: Why it’s complicated

Recently we’ve been talking a lot about “self-care” here at Liberate; as a collective, with our clients, as well as hearing from you in the community through our Collective Conversations series.

And what we’re coming to understand is that “self-care” can be well…complicated.

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