Take a moment to get to know us
Woohoo! We’re celebrating our 5 month birthday here at Liberate Counselling Collective. And it’s gotten us 4 Counsellors talking again about who are are and what it is that’s special about Liberate.
And we’d love to share with you what we’ve been talking about! Our always vibrant Deidre has put some of our thoughts into words below. So grab a cup of tea, get cozy and take a moment to get to know us.
A little tidbit: Liberate is in fact the third low-barrier collective that we’ve worked at together over the past several years. We pay homage to ProChoices Community Therapy Clinic and the Vancouver Feminist Therapy Collective, which gave us the room to sharpen our focus and skills.
Who we are at Liberate
“At Liberate, each of our therapists comes from their own rich history of lived experiences and professional trainings. We work together in a collective of shared values and voices. What unites us is a deep attentiveness to our feminist principles, an honouring of all stories and identities, and a commitment to making therapy accessible for everyone.”
What the LCC can offer you
“At the LCC, we are rooted in Intersectional Feminism. This is present in our work in many ways:
We appreciate all lived realities and we honour you, our client, as the expert of your own experience. We value you as a full human being - each part of you is celebrated and welcome.
We recognize that each of us have multiple identities, some of which may be more visible and/or privileged than others. We prioritize all voices - particularly ones that haven’t been heard, and who may not find themselves in other therapy practices.
We believe that race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and religious and spiritual beliefs are factors that inform how we show up in, and interact with, the world. We are shaped by the intersection, or overlapping, of these identities. It is important that our social identities are invited into the therapy room as valuable and meaningful pieces of the whole.
We know that some of our identities may be marginalized. And when our different marginalized identities overlap, this creates further and more deeply embedded experiences of oppression. We invite experiences of oppression into the room, getting to know them intimately.
We are interested in the collective nature of our experiences, and know that good therapy needs to consider your internal, interpersonal, and external realities. We examine the systems that surround us, that we are embedded within, and unpack who we are in relation to them. We investigate the shared histories that have created who and how we are, individually and collectively, today.
We de-center ourselves, by stepping outside of our own unique ways of knowing the world, and any perceived truths we may hold, and making room for new perspectives and ways of being. We are constantly in a space of shifting, expanding, unlearning, and learning anew. We are always learning.
We are curious, forever curious! Our therapy is a co-researching, collaborative process. You have the agency to choose how we spend our time together - we facilitate a safe and brave space for the unfolding of your journey. Please note that our therapy practice is relational and co-creative, and not as technique-heavy as other therapy modalities. We don’t focus on strategies - we are more so interested in conversations that spark curiosity and connection.” - Deidre
Low-Cost Counselling
Has this peaked your curiosity? If so we’d love to connect with you! We believe wholeheartedly in affordable therapy, and have a sliding scale model between $70 - 90 per session. AND this December 2020 and January 2021 we are working to make what we do even more accessible. We’re offering clients a HOLIDAY BUNDLE DEAL: 4 weekly sessions for $200, i.e. $50/session. If you're an existing client or are new to LCC, we also invite you to consider giving the gift of mental health care this winter. This holiday bundle is giftable, so share it with a friend/loved one directly, or get in touch with us at hello@liberatecounsellingcollective.com!