Get to know: LCC therapist Cat Main

What would you like clients to know about you?

Well I know like every human I am more than a list of identities, I am an evolving sum of many parts.

At the same time, I’d like to name some of my identity markers and experiences (beyond what I’ve shared in my bio), to give prospective clients an idea of whether they’d like to try working together.


I am a middle-class, white woman (of mostly Scottish descent) living as a settler in the woods on Nex̱wlélex̱m (Bowen Island, BC) the traditional, unceded lands of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) people.

I am cis (she/her) & identify as queer. I am able-bodied, though growing up alongside a sister with cerebral palsy has helped shape my understanding of ableism.

I am the mother of a fierce five-year-old, which has formed me in profound ways, as well as given rise to a whole new set of feminist questions about how we juggle work, homemaking, and childrearing.

I experienced the disenfranchised grief of infertility & multiple pregnancy losses before I had my daughter. As well as the grief of losing a parent at a young age.

And I’ve struggled with my mental health, including postpartum depression and identity with the archetype of the wounded healer. I come to this role having done (and continue to do) extensive counselling, art, yoga, somatic work, and mindfulness practices.

I’m trained as a yoga teacher and currently teach yoga on Nex̱wlélex̱m (Bowen Island), and for nearly a decade before that, I was a movement instructor (coaching actors) at the Vancouver Film School.

I trained as an actor at Studio 58 and worked professionally as an actor and theatre artist before becoming a counsellor.

I’m interested in food security and try to grow as much food as I can for my family and community.

Finally, I honour all of your intersecting identities and experiences and invite each of them into the therapy room as valuable parts of your whole! I look forward to getting to know you :)

Cat’s bio


Get to know: LCC therapist Hiu Chan


2 year anniversary!